Re: [squid-users] Blocking user access by username

From: Adam Aube <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2003 15:28:28 -0400

On Sunday 19 October 2003 01:46 pm, Mark Maxey wrote:
> Is it possible to block a user's access to the proxy based on username.

You could use proxy_auth or proxy_auth_regex to match the username you want to
block. However, this can be cumbersome if you need to block many users, and
you have to run a 'squid -k reconfigure' after every change to the list of
blocked users.

> I'll be authenticating off of a win2k domain controller

Given your setup, I would recommend you use an external_acl helper (either
LDAP or winbind, depending on your setup), create a Win2k Domain Group just
for proxy access, then only allow access to that group.

You can then control who has access to the proxy simply by adding or removing
them to/from that group.

Received on Sun Oct 19 2003 - 13:28:58 MDT

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