Re: [squid-users] memory hit ratio

From: Adam Aube <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2003 00:25:19 -0500

On Friday 07 November 2003 08:36 pm, wrote:
> Could someone please give me an idea of what am I doing wrong on the
> squid.conf ?, I can't get more percentage on "Request Memory Hit Ratios":

I wouldn't worry about Memory Hit Ratios - you're better off worrying about
Request and Byte Hit Ratios (both of which look ok).

If you really want to increase Memory Hit Ratio, about the only way you can do
it is by increasing the cache_mem setting. But again, it's probably not worth
worrying about.

> Also, I am getting a lot of this:

> This ip does not belong to our network and is not on our Squid ACL, does
> this mean that they are trying to use our Squid ?

Looks like it. Don't worry - Squid denied the request (at least in the example
you provided). If you don't want the requests to reach Squid at all, then
block the Squid port with IPTables.

Received on Fri Nov 07 2003 - 22:25:20 MST

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