Re: [squid-users] Squid with Antivirus

From: Peter van der Does <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 13:03:09 +0100

What is it you want to scan on the proxy?

I don't see the use of a scanner on a proxy myself. Files which you
download can not be scanned until they are downloaded completely and
then they are on the client allready anyway.
As for HTML/Javascript threads, I don't know how much you encounter
them, but I hardly do.

For me, the neccesary anti-viurs places are, the mail gateway and the


>>> "Antonio Lopez Mercader" <> 12-11-2003
12:15:16 >>>

I have unsuccesfully tried to install Squirm/Virulator/Sophos
(Squid is working nice).
Not I am asking for technical support, but only want to know if you
think an
antivirus should be installed on the Proxy or just on the clients.
I need arguments to convince my boss to keep the proxy as light as


Antonio L�pez Mercader
Departamento de Inform�tica
Hospital San Jorge - Huesca (SPAIN)
Received on Wed Nov 12 2003 - 05:03:24 MST

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