Re: [squid-users] Getting authenticated username with PHP ?

From: Andrew Nelson <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2004 23:13:18 +1100

Hi Henrik,

thanks for your time..

> > I'm sure you know about authenticate_ttl and all about the way squid
> > caches auth detail so it doesn't have to keep bothering the client...
>This has nothing at all to do with the client.

By client, I meant browser - and it does!

>What this controls is how often Squid will ask the authentication program
>if a given login+password is valid. Between these it will simply assume
>the same login+password is still valid if if was previously verified as
>valid no longer than the ttl ago.

So during the time between squid sending the browser a 407 (or checking the
details from the auth header) where does it store the list of client
addresses or
whatever (authenticating programs) that are ok? Where does squid store this
and how ?

>Squid uses HTTP authentication as defined by the HTTP standard.
>There is no session cache.
>There is no session cookies.

I guess we're getting semantics confused - I hope you know what I mean now!
Thanks for your redirector idea earlier.


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Received on Mon Jan 05 2004 - 05:13:19 MST

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