RE: [squid-users] how to send orginator IP

From: Elsen Marc <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2004 08:42:08 +0100

> Hi all
> iam using Squid 2.5stable 4
> working fine
> i have one question here
> when i visited the X url using my Public IP
> but iam getting the proxy server IP address
> how do i make the config of squid to send orginator IP not
> proxy IP address

  Squid can't it is an application and does not have access to
  networking parts of packets.
  Squid used 'X-Forwarded-for' to denote the client's address.

> if this is case some one can spoof with my proxy address right ???

  Only someone who has been authorized to use your Squid proxy.
  Meaning that the proxy should be properly configured , so that it
  can only be used by those people you set it up for.


> thanks
> hare
Received on Wed Jan 07 2004 - 00:42:12 MST

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