Rif: Re: [squid-users] Messenger & NTLM authentication

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 10:52:18 +0100


I have found a workaround to make Messenger work using NTLM authentication.

At http://apserver.sourceforge.net/ it is possible to download a tool (APS)
that stands as an intermediate proxy between the client and Squid.

You only need to install APS and Python and then set APS as a local proxy
in Messenger.


Antonio Manfreda

                      "Antonio Manfreda"
                      <antonio.manfreda1@fas Per: "Henrik Nordstrom" <hno@squid-cache.org>
                      twebnet.it> Cc: squid-users@squid-cache.org
                                                     Oggetto: Re: [squid-users] Messenger & NTLM authentication
                      07/01/2004 15.41

>-- Original Message --
>Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2004 15:00:54 +0100 (CET)
>From: Henrik Nordstrom <hno@squid-cache.org>
>To: Antonio Manfreda <antonio.manfreda1@fastwebnet.it>
>cc: squid-users@squid-cache.org
>Subject: Re: [squid-users] Messenger & NTLM authentication
>On Wed, 7 Jan 2004, Antonio Manfreda wrote:

> I have configured Squid 2.5STABLE4 to use NTLM authentication with Active
> Directory, using external helper wb_group.
> I am experiencing a strange problem with Microsoft Messenger.
> Even if
>I set up the proxy with username, password and domain in Messenger
> connection settings, when I try to connect to Messenger network I receive
> a messagge saying that proxy authentication didn't work.

Most likely the Messenger version you are usi
g does not support NTLM
authentication to HTTP proxies.

Try makeing sure Basic authentication is enabled as well in your squid



I'm using Microsoft Messenger 6.1 (latest version).

Unfortunately, I can't use basic authentication because my organization
security policy does not allow password to be transmitted over the network
in clear text.

Ai sensi della Legge 675/96 e successive modifiche/integrazioni si precisa
che le informazioni contenute nel presente messaggio, e negli eventuali
allegati, sono riservate e per uso esclusivo del destinatario. Pertanto �
vietata la copia, la diffusione e la rivelazione anche parziale dei dati in
esso contenuti alle persone non autorizzate dal medesimo. Chiunque lo
ricevesse per errore � pregato di restituirlo al mittente e di distruggere
il contenuto.
Received on Thu Jan 08 2004 - 02:52:24 MST

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