RE: [squid-users] Re: Question about ldapsearch argument!

From: Mohammad Meskarian <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 22:23:07 -0000

  can you please let me know what is your ldap client and ldap server???

  Probably I can give some help on Squid mailing list for ldap server

-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Nordstrom []
Sent: 13 January 2004 22:12
To: Hamed Majnoonian
Cc: Henrik Nordstrom;
Subject: [squid-users] Re: Question about ldapsearch argument!

On Tue, 13 Jan 2004, Hamed Majnoonian wrote:

> 1- The name of my domain is "" - juno is the
> name of my active directory and the rest is the domain name.


> 2- Here is my Ldapsearch argument: /Ldapsearch -h -xv -b
> dc=juno,dc=hov,dc=butanegroup,dc=com "uid=administrator"

Was anything returned?

Most AD servers do not allow anonymous searches of the directory, and
may need to specify a bind DN and password to bind as while performing

Also AD does not make use of the uid attribute last time I looked, so
unless you have defined this attribute in your directory the search
is unlikely to return anything.

As searches is not allowed you have to "guess" what the DN to bind as is

or use a "Windows" LDAP tool to browse the directory while logged on to
the domain.

But the DN for administrator should be


Assuming your AD name is (should show up as in the login screen and in the user manager).

Received on Tue Jan 13 2004 - 15:24:40 MST

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