Re: [squid-users] Finally I got it works

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 18:40:01 +0100 (CET)

On Wed, 21 Jan 2004, Davide Vaghetti wrote:

> Finally I worked on assigned RAM. In my default configuration I assigned
> 64 Mbytes of RAM to cache_mem, thinking that 1/4th of the total RAM was
> a conservative approach. I was wrong !

We have a FAQ which explains this in quite detail, and is mentioned in the
cache_mem documentation in bold letters.

> It is true that a big cache dir require more RAM, but also the system
> itself requires a lot of RAM, and all guides and tutorial I have read
> are too optimistic regarding the RAM squid should use.

The rule of thumb in the FAQ works very well: 10 MB of RAM per GB +
cache_mem + 10-20 MB more, times two.

So with a 3GB cache_dir and 32 MB cache_mem the rule of thumb says your
server should have 164 MB RAM, so you should be able to increase your
cache size somewhat if your server has 256 MB.

Your original configuration with 18GB cache and 64MB cache_mem gives that
your server should have had 528 MB RAM, which clearly is significanly more
than only the 256 you have and your Squid is likely to swap like mad and
perform very bad.

Received on Wed Jan 21 2004 - 10:40:06 MST

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