Fwd: [squid-users] 802.1Q and SQUID : bug ! Don't use them together

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 20:49:01 -0500

i've asked to be removed countless times. here's another message that
i didn't want. it's really not that hard to remove somebody is it...

This is a forwarded message
From: Koppen, Peter van <KPP@alfa-college.nl>
To: squid-users@squid-cache.org
Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2004, 9:44:05 AM
Subject: [squid-users] 802.1Q and SQUID : bug ! Don't use them together

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I don't have a full understanding of SQUID or of 802.1Q on Linux but what is do know
is regular .1Q configuration.

I see that you use the real Ethernet port eth0 for VLAN 3 and use a vlan for all the
other VLAN definitions. What is know of VLAN's this wil NOT work. Either you do not
use VLAN's or you just use VLAN's So to make this work you should define a VLAN
(VLAN3) for you gateway and not use the non-tagged etho interface.

This can be tested, the proxy itself should not be able to connect to the pages you
listed. nor be able to trace or ping beyond it's own interfaces.


On 21 Jan 2004 at 16:01, PINEAU Olivier wrote:

> Hi !
> I want to inform you that i have discover a bug with 802.1Q technologie and
> 802.1Q is for VLAN's :
> the module 8021Q is use to configure a network card to be present on
> different VLAN's (tagged port).
> My previous installation was :
> VLAN 3 on eth0
> routeur SDSL (gateway)
> VLAN 2 on eth0.2 (vconfig add eth0 2)
> VLAN 1 on eth0.1 (vconfig add eth0 1)
> With this configuration, i was ending weirds issues : i was not able to log
> in hotmail, yahoo!mail, e-bay, or perform any transaction on net.
> For exemple, with hotmail, the https transaction was done and recorded on
> log, but the following url was not recorded in log and a basic error message
> prompt on navigator (DNS error or serveur not found).
> By despair, I change my network conf to use a different networdk card for
> each VLAN and it's finally works.
> So, don't use 8021Q module with SQUID !
> NOTE : I use 8021Q for my data serveur (SAMBA and netatalk) and it works
> fine

met vriendelijke groet,

Peter van Koppen
Functie		: Specialist Netwerk- en systeembeheer
Organisatie	: Alfa-college
E-mail		: KPP@Alfa-college.nl
TelefoonNr	: +31(0)50-597 3054
GSM		: +31(0)6-53223700
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Best regards,
 mortbox                            mailto:mortbox@gamebox.net
Received on Sat Jan 31 2004 - 20:21:28 MST

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