RE: [squid-users] squidGuard slows squid

From: Elsen Marc <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2004 15:13:29 +0100

> Pls help,
> i applied a domain list (of about 6mb) from
> to squidGuard, but i disacovered it
> slows down the browsing speed drastically.
> But i seriousely need this black list to block porn
> sites on my network.
> Does anybody pls have an idea of what i can do?
> Thanx
  - Which version of squid are you using ?
  - On which platform/os/version ?
  - Which version of squidGuard are you using ?

  - What's your average induced squid load during
    office hours in terms of http reqs/sec ?
  - How many redirector processes are you using ?
  - Does cache.log have any error info related to the usage
    of redirectors ?

  Some feedback : my domain .db formatted file is about 6Mb.
  I am currently blocking about 120000 domains.
  This for an 'company businesses interested ' :-) user community of
  about 1500 users , resulting to an average load of
  40 http req'/sec during office hours and a cache access
  rate of 15Gb each day.

  I have 10 redirector squidGuard redirector processes, and in
  cachemgr I can see that the 'avg service time' for the redirector
  process is 3ms.
  Meaning that in my case the overhead of squidGuard is 'peanuts'.

  What are your figures in this and the discussed context ?

  It would be interesting to compare.


Received on Sat Mar 06 2004 - 07:13:31 MST

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