RE: [squid-users] Transparent proxy - some pages show up blank

From: Merton Campbell Crockett <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 15:19:49 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 10 Mar 2004, Rod Savard wrote:

> > Configuring the client to use the proxy is a solution.
> I understand what you're saying, but we specifically do not want to
> configure the client to use a proxy and for a good reason... and not
> because it's difficult to configure everyone's IE to use a proxy (it's
> easy with Windows Group Policy).
> The problem is with mobile users who plug their laptops into a broadband
> connection at a hotel, their house, etc. If their browser is set to use
> a proxy for LAN connections, then they won't be able to use IE when not
> on our corporate LAN. Transparent proxying seems to provide a perfect
> workaround to this problem (besides the recent discovery that a few web
> pages show up "blank").

Defining a specific proxy is not a "good" idea for the reasons that you
specify; however, this problem is addressed for IE users by configuring
the browser to use "Web proxy automatic detection". Several hotel chains
that I've stayed at require you to set this feature or set a specific web
proxy in order to access Internet web content.

> It'd be interesting to figure out if the problem is with Squid or IE.
> ---
> Rod Savard, MCP, CCA - Senior Network Administrator
> SCM Consultants, Inc. -
> (509) 783-1625 or (509) 948-1254

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Received on Wed Mar 10 2004 - 16:25:19 MST

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