Re: [squid-users] invalid url

From: Henrik Nordstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 14:14:15 +0100 (CET)

On Mon, 15 Mar 2004, [utf-8] Jørgen Hovland wrote:

> Ok I just commented out the few lines in src/url.c starting at line 309 (#if CHECK_HOSTNAMES....)
> It works!

No it does not, it only looks like it works.

> Here comes the however:
> When using MSIE the hostname points you to the wrong website. If I
> disable proxy in MSIE I get to the correct website. There seems to be an
> encoding problem somewhere. I telneted manually to squid and requested
> www.jø in ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 mode and it worked.

This is not supposed to work. HTTP is specified ASCII only for host names.

If you want to browse an IDN name you MUST today use a browser which has
IDN support. For MSIE this involves installing one of the IDN plugins.

> Seems like IE use urlencoding when using proxy, or IE use it all the
> time ? Is this a IE bug or a non-implemented squid feature (and will it
> be implemented) ?

Your browser is not IDN capable. As you are trying to use your browser in
situations it is not designed for odd things happens as it is trying to
comply to standards given junk input.

Received on Mon Mar 15 2004 - 06:14:18 MST

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