RE: [squid-users] authenticateUserRequestUsername() method

From: Graeme Bisset <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 15:03:57 -0000

> > Hmm, strange, I'm running STABLE5 with Icap and watching the
> > X-Authenticated-User header (after Base64 decoding it).
> >
> > If I use Basic auth, log in as <domain>\<username> then I am
> > the full domain and username (as I typed them).
> Correct.
> > But, if I use NTLM, logged on to the domain from my pc, then I am
> > returned just the username (in uppercase).
> >
> > Could this be related to my smb.conf configuration?
> >
> > I am using the Samba 3 authentication helpers.
> Maybe, or quite likely actually. It is the helper who returns the
> to Squid.

Should the samba helper (run with the
--helper-protocol=squid-2.5-ntlmssp argument) not correspond to the
following protocol?

If so, then it is not as it doesn't always return the username in the
domain\user form.

I could force it in ntlm_auth.c for my own use but is it actually a
samba bug that should be fixed?

I know this is venturing into samba code but it is squid related. Would
I be correct in replacing the line

x_fprintf(x_stdout, "AF %s\n", (char *)ntlmssp_state->auth_context);

with something along the lines of

x_fprintf(x_stdout, "AF %s%c%s\n", (char *)ntlmssp_state->domain,
winbind_separator(), (char *)ntlmssp_state->user);



Received on Thu Mar 18 2004 - 08:06:14 MST

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