Re: [squid-users] OWA on Exchange 2003 proxy

From: Alan Lehman <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2004 20:28:25 -0600

Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, Alan Lehman wrote:
>>I tried cache_peer with and without 'originserver' :
>>cache_peer w.x.y.z parent 80 0 no-query originserver front-end-https=on
>>and got this result:
>>1078805391.337 3 TCP_MISS/401 402 GET - FIRST_UP_PARENT/w.x.y.z text/html
> Ok. This worked fine.
>>Is squid passing the request to OWA as https? I need it to be http.
> The request was passed as http with instructions to OWA that the end-user
> was actually accessing the service using https:// using a SSL frontend
> server infront of the OWA (your Squid).
> If you want to use https between Squid and the OWA then configure the
> cache_peer as an ssl peer.
> Regards
> Henrik

I am still not able to authenticate to Exchange. My client presents the
userid/password dialog, but it refuses to grant access. I've tried IE6
and Mozilla 1.6. It appears Exchange is not receiving the user
credentials. When I attempt to authenticate via squid I get something
like this in the Exchange log:

2004-03-11 02:15:18 GET /exchange - 80 - w.x.y.z
401 2 2148074254

But when I connect directly to Exchange, it works and I see this (note
the 'win\[userid]'):

2004-03-11 00:20:51 GET /exchange/[userid]/ - 80
win\[userid] a.b.c.d
Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+98;+Win+9x+4.90;+Q312461) 200 0 0

Received on Sat Mar 20 2004 - 19:26:28 MST

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