Re: [squid-users] SSH access

From: Mark Tinka <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 07:01:09 +0000 (GMT)

 --- David THOMAS <> wrote: > Hi,
> I'm wondering if squid will help me to solve this
> problem.
> The problem: I have to access a remote server via
> SSH. But a firewall
> disallows the access to the port 22.

unless something has changed in all the months i've
been silent (forgive me), squid is an HTTP proxy, not
a port_forwarding agent..

> If I install squid on my remote server, could I
> configure it to forward
> the port 85 (for instance, an opened port) to the
> port 22 ?

i don't see how this is possible natively in squid..
even if it were, u'd still have to involve a firewall
or some other kind of port_forwarding software...

> So I can configure my SSH software for reaching a
> proxy server (my remote
> server) with the port 85.

suggest u try something simple like RINETD.. u can
port_forward with this to your heart's content.. and
the best part - u don't have to run squid on the box..

> Is it possible and how can I do that ?
> Many thanks.
> David

hope i helped..



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