[squid-users] Re: Re: Authenntication with a Transparent Proxy

From: Adam Aube <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2004 09:36:19 -0500

Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

> On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, Adam Aube wrote:
>> However, I have heard of an open source project that does exactly this -
>> provide controlled access for public wireless service.

> It is not possible do do HTTP proxy authentication in a transparent proxy.

Yes, I know. I've seen that stated (and stated it myself) several times on
this list. The project I mentioned isn't a proxy.

> What is possible is to implement a out-of-band authentication scheme, such
> as redirecting to a web form where the user can authenticate his IP
> address for access to the proxy.

This project controlls access using Linux's built in firewall (I believe by
MAC address). Unauthorized clients are redirected to a web page where an
AUP can be clicked through to gain authorization.

This page is an excellent place to put the paid advertisements the OP wanted
to force users to view before web surfing. That is why I suggested it.

Received on Thu Apr 01 2004 - 07:36:12 MST

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