Re: [squid-users] Squidalyser and others

From: Matthew Tanase <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 05:09:23 -0800 (PST)

 There is a README in the GD module which discusses it. Evidently the Perl build for several recent (Redhat, Mandrake) common linux distro's has a problem compiling dynamic libraries. I tried a complete rebuild of Perl from source, but the problem didn't go away. The GD author basically says he has no solution, and I haven't found any solutions on the net.

Matthew Tanase 
President, Qaddisin 
-----Original Message from Kenneth Oncinian <>----- 
Matthew Tanase wrote: 
> Trying to get Squidalyser working and having problems w/ the GD perl modules. 
What is this problem? I have been using squidalyser and i dont seem to 
remember having a problem. 
Kenneth Oncinian 
Received on Fri Apr 02 2004 - 06:18:57 MST

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