Re: [squid-users] Config just for my personal use. Secure?

From: Muthukumar <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 09:29:50 +0530

> http_port *myip*:9876

You are configuring Squid on 9876 port.Check if there any service is running.
netstat -na | grep 9876

>authenticate_program /usr/lib/squid/ncsa_auth /etc/squid/passwd
>acl users proxy_auth "/etc/squid/passwd"
>acl password proxy_auth REQUIRED

What is the permission of /etc/squid/passwd file.Change it for only accessible by the root.

>http_access deny users
>http_access allow all
>proxy_auth_realm Squid proxy-caching web server

You are denying all users in the /etc/squid/passwd authentication file.

> Do you think that's enough and secure?
> I wish no-one can access it
> except me, with my login and password.

Do you want to restrict the access from anyother system using your login and passwd,then
deny their ip settings except your ip-address to your particular login .

acl rootuser proxy_auth <your-user-login>
acl rootip src <your-ip-address>
http_access deny !src rootuser
Select a exact position to put this http_access in the http_access lists.


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