RE: [squid-users] To Have A /swap Partition, Or Not?

From: Mark Tinka <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 09:39:44 +0100 (BST)

 --- Henrik Nordstrom <> wrote: >
On Sun, 11 Apr 2004, Mark Tinka wrote:
> > what happenned was that my /swap was on and
> running, but my system never
> > ever did swap, even when the load increased..
> physical RAM utilisation
> > went from 1.3GB to as low as 2MB.. whenever RAM
> hit 2MB, it shot up to
> > 3MB, and this cycle continued until either Squid
> did its internal
> > sanities, or i restarted the Squid process, at
> which point memory was
> > freed up to about 24MB.. and then continued to
> fall till 2MB, where it
> > rose back again to 3MB, and this went on and on
> and on and on...
> Then your sustem never reached the point that there
> was memory pressure,
> i.e. you had significantly more than sufficient
> amount of memory.

i see...

> > i would like to achieve this, but the difference
> is that i will be
> > running on a 2.4 kernel, and not a 2.2, as is the
> previous Squid server,
> > so am not sure how good my chances are.. :)..
> Test it.


> > is there a clear explanation as to why this
> is..?..
> It is hard to give clear explanations on VM
> behaviour. It is a complex
> business with very many variables.
> But what can be said is that it is good to reserve a
> significant chunk of
> memory for the OS maintenance of filesystems buffers
> etc.. The Squid rule
> of thumb generalises this a bit and gives the same
> amount as the actual
> Squid usage to OS and buffers (ca twice the memory
> than used by the Squid
> process). For most Squid setups this balances well
> allowing most VM
> implementations to do it's job without disturbing
> Squid much..


thanks Henrik.. will advise u and the rest of the list
once i have the new box up and running..

> Regards
> Henrik



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