[squid-users] Error setting CA certificate locations

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 17:54:38 +0200


I would use Squid in accelerator mode with ssl (for now only with server certificate) . I use squid Version 3.0-PRE3-20040419.

This is my directive in squid.conf:

http_port 80 accel vport
https_port 443 cert=/etc/ssl/reverse.parmalat.com.crt key=/etc/ssl/reverse.parmalat.com.key defaultsite=reverse.parmalat.com
sslproxy_capath /etc/ssl

The CA file is cacert.pem in /etc/ssl

When i start squid the following error appear:

2004/04/19 17:34:18.304| Initialising SSL.
2004/04/19 17:34:18.304| Using certificate in /etc/ssl/reverse.parmalat.com.crt
2004/04/19 17:34:18.304| Using private key in /etc/ssl/reverse.parmalat.com.key
2004/04/19 17:34:18.304| Error error setting CA certificate locations: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)
2004/04/19 17:34:18.304| continuing anyway...
2004/04/19 17:34:18.304| Cache dir '/usr/local/squid/var/cache' size changed to 1048576 KB
2004/04/19 17:34:18.304| Initialising SSL.

I've try to add also the directive: sslproxy_cafile cacert.pem but with no result!

Where i'm wrong?
Received on Mon Apr 19 2004 - 09:54:44 MDT

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