Re: [squid-users] ACL based on User Groups

From: Valdir Henrique Dias Leite <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2004 19:51:32 -0300

Thank you again Henrik, but i have some concerns about this approach
(network traffic and performance)

Our scenario has 3 groups and the script make at least 3 calls to winbind.
So, every HTTP GET made by user, will be made 9 winbind calls for check
either user has or not access to perform that GET.

For a page like, with dozens of images, the general overhead caused
by this approach is a great concern to us.

Well, I will configure it and test some time to see if it is true.

In time, I was wondering to build an ad-hoc solution using either Berkely-DB
or Embedded MySQL Server (libmysqld) where one can model acls like a
relacional model and check all acls against all groups the current user are
in. ( Advantages: Only one call to winbind, retrieving all groups and
caching them for the entire session; and the performance of data access
layer - BDB or libmysqld - ) Of course, it will be released to the

I would be glad to hear some words about that approach ...

Thanks again,

Valdir Leite
Sao Paulo

----- Original Message -----
From: "Henrik Nordstrom" <>
To: "Valdir Henrique Dias Leite" <>
Cc: "Henrik Nordstrom" <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2004 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: [squid-users] ACL based on User Groups

> On Sat, 24 Apr 2004, Valdir Henrique Dias Leite wrote:
> > I saw script, which checks, via winbind calls, if a user is
> > not inside a given group.
> >
> > What I need is to have, 3 ACLs, for example, and divide all my users
> > these groups, like:
> This is exacly the purpose of the above script. It is used for building
> any number of ACLs referring to NT Domain groups (via Samba).
> > groups, apply on of the three ACL above. Here is my problem. After
> > authenticating, how to perform the authorization based on which group
> > user is in.
> By defining one acl per group, and use these accordingly in http_access.
> > I was thinking in pass to squidGuard the name of the group (meaning as a
> > "login" ou "username") and create the acls with this information (group
> > name) as user names.
> This sounds very hard to accomplish.
> Much easier to simply use group connectec ACLs within Squid.
> There is defails on how to use group helpers in the squid_ldap_group
> helper manual. The same principles apply to all group helpers.
> Regards
> Henrik

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