Re: [squid-users] Squid 2.5 and Range requests

From: osuser os <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 13:43:08 -0700

Thanks for the prompt response.
Please see inline

>From: Henrik Nordstrom <>
>To: osuser os <>
>Subject: Re: [squid-users] Squid 2.5 and Range requests
>Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 11:40:14 +0200 (CEST)
>On Sun, 25 Apr 2004, osuser os wrote:
> > But if the file size > 20 KB, I see that the full file is still being
> > retrieved, but is not being put in the cache. (future requests starting
> > range 0 are resulting in full file being retrieved again and not put in
> > cache).
>Probably aborted by quick_abort_...
>The default setting is to abort any downloads when the client disconnects
>if more than 16 KB remains when the client disconnected.

I see the same behavior even if the client sends "Proxy-Connection:
Keep-alive" header. Squid is also responding with "Proxy-Connection:
Keep-alive" and the connection is not aborted. But the file still doesnt get
Is there any way of modifying the default setting to abort the download?

> > That means that server bandwidth consumed is a lot more than client
> > bandwidth especially for large files.
>The abort should be more or less immediate when the client have got it's
>requested part. Are you sure it continues?

I confirmed from network monitor that the 1st connection is not getting
aborted immediately after getting a response.. But when I send the 2nd
request, it is not being sent on the same socket (old socket is being closed
and new socket is established). Probably a new connection is being used
because of HTTP/1.0 response. The requests are being sent using HTTP/1.1



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