Re: [squid-users] Squid as an FTP proxy?

From: Elvis Presley <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 15:16:12 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks for the tip. I'll google for frox. In the

Doesn't the browser normally resolve ftp urls itself,
connecting directly to the ftp server/proxy?

If it doesn't, how does an ftp url get to an http
server/proxy, as a GET ftp://, a POST ftp://?

That would be mixing metaphors, wouldn't it, I mean,
how does an http proxy/server respond to ftp requests?
How does it map GET and POST into ftp?

At this point, I am only interested in how *squid*
reacts to ftp.

It is not entirely clear to me what a typical browser
does with an ftp url.




By "transparent" I mean "invisible" to a client of the
proxy (or whatever it is that sits between the client
and the ftp server, whether that server is inside the
firewall or not). I don't mean to imply any specific
kind of network technology, NAT, socks, frox, or http
as a proxy for ftp. I will be working with a private
IP address space, and I want to know just how close to
perfection(=transparency) I can come without actually
using a valid IP subnet, before I deploy. It's already
clear to me that the private subnet(=intranet)
scenario is vastly more complex than a direct
connection. I'm going to need proxying on all levels.


--- Henrik Nordstrom <> wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Apr 2004, Elvis Presley wrote:
> > Can you point me to material describing Squid as
> an
> > FTP proxy?
> Squid is not an FTP proxy.
> > I'm not sure 'proxy' is even the right term. How
> does
> > squid translate the domain name of the ftp server,
> if
> > the external client has already done it? I assume
> > squid listens to the ftp ports and accepts
> connections
> > on behalf of internal (ftp) servers.
> No. Squid is not a FTP proxy.
> Squid can fetch ftp:// URLs requested by HTTP
> clients, but it still is not
> a FTP proxy.
> > Again, I am interested in forward and reverse
> roles.
> >
> > Does squid ftp-proxy support 'active' and
> 'passive'
> > ftp connections?
> Squid uses primarily passive FTP when retreiving
> ftp:// URLs, but
> automatically falls back on active or even default
> mode FTP if passive is
> not available.
> > Are there special purpose(=non-squid) "proxies"
> for
> > ftp?
> There is plenty of FTP proxies.
> > Can ftp even be fully(=transparently) proxied?
> Ftp can be transparently proxied. See frox.
> fully proxied is however non-transparent. It is not
> correct to say that
> transparent interception is full proxying.
> transparent interception is a
> very ugly hack violating fundamental TCP/IP
> standards.
> SOCKS is also an interesting topic in discussions
> like this.
> Regards
> Henrik

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