[squid-users] Re: Wrong username with SAMBA

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 10:20:40 +0000

> dogbert@infinito.it wrote:
>>> I'm working with the following configuration:
>>> Squid 2.5STABLE4
>>> Samba 2.2.8a
>>> I've joined my box to my ROOT domain controller (it's the root of my
>>> forest).
>>> It's working well except for a particular username that is very similar
>>> another one. With this user try to use the proxy i see in the access.log
>>> file the other username but the user is authenticate the same.
>>> I tested it with wbinfo -a USERNAME%PASSWORD and it work fine.
> What are the two usernames? Which one shows up in access.log?
> Adam


the two username are quite similar (i.e.: lennon, lesson).
If I use lennon
i see lesson in the log while if I use lesson i find
lesson in the log.
The autentication works fine (the user got authenticated
with its right
password and can browse the internet) but in the logfile
(and only there)
i found the wrong name.
I've also used Ethereal to track the SMB packet between my
proxy and my
DC and i found the right name inside the exchange.
I've tested with other proxies in my network and it worked
fine. The only
proxy that's causing trouble is the one nearer to the

What am I missing ?

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Received on Mon Jun 14 2004 - 04:20:43 MDT

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