RE: [squid-users] ERROR thrown by squid while browsing

From: Elsen Marc <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 07:48:24 +0200

> I get the following error page:
> The requested URL could not be retrieved
> --------------------------------------------
> While trying to retrieve the URL:
> The following error was encountered:
> * Connection Failed
> The system returned:
> (101) Network is unreachable
> The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.
> Your cache administrator is root.
> --------------------------------------------
> Generated Mon, 14 Jun 2004 15:35:16 GMT by proxy.internal.nw
> (Squid/2.4.STABLE7)"
> This error happens many time per day. If you click on the
> back button on the
> browser,
> and then try again, it will work. Sometimes you have to click
> two or three
> times but
> it does eventually work. The error seems random, but most
> often occurs when
> a "?"
> is present in the URL. The Internet connection is working, the line is
> clear, in fact
> the Internet seems much faster without squid.
> Why does Squid keep generating this error and how can I fix it???
  Some hints : - which os/platform/version are you using ? -> Check OS dependent
'weirdness' on Squid behavior in the FAQ.
               - when you have this situation from your SQUID box try :

                  % wget

                  % lynx --head

 just to kind of verify whether you are suffering from basic networking
 issues when SQUID tries to contact this site.

Received on Mon Jun 14 2004 - 23:50:19 MDT

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