Angela Burrell wrote:
> Hello,
> I have looked at the page which lists
> some of the Squid log file analysis tools. I didn't realise there were so
> many!
> I have squid running on Linux 2.4.18 kernel. I am looking for a log file
> analyser, that can show me the NETBIOS name of the client computer (or IP
> address if absolutely necessary, but the IPs are dynamic.) If the analyser
> updates in real time that's a bonus. I don't really need that much detail,
> perhaps a listing of the sites each workstation visited and the time, for
> instance.
> HTML format is OK since I have Apache installed and working on my server
> (although I don't know how to configure it), so the log file analyser should
> be easy to install and use from a newbie point of view. (and/or come with
> instructions.)
> Any suggestions? Which analyser software do you use and why?
> Thanks!
I use SARG (Squid Analyzer and Report Generator) to generate daily toplists.
- no NETBIOS-Names, but IP or DNS (in our setup the leased IP's stay
almost the same, the client just keeps renewing).
- not real time, we integrated SARG into the logcycle.
- HTML output
- can be used to generate toplists of transfer volume and and connects
per site and per user as well as user-site and site-user lists.
- can process user-information if present in log
- has some problems with certain urls, we filter the log prior to analysing.
- IMHO easy to configure with a well documented configfile (similar to
- why do we use it: because the generated reports are exactly what we
need (and for the funny name - sarg is german for coffin :-)
Regards, Hendrik Voigtl�nder
Received on Tue Jun 15 2004 - 18:17:44 MDT
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