Re: [squid-users] redirect_program doesn't work

From: Techy <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 15:32:53 +0800 (CST)

I was trying to debug squidGuard and it looked OK.
Since when I do something like this:
echo " - GET" |
squidGuard -d

the output looks like below:
init domainlist
squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1087496748.545)
squidGuard ready for requests (1087496748.546) - GET
squidGuard stopped (1087496748.547)

But when it runs with squid, I have error in my
init domainlist
squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1087495166.642)
squidGuard ready for requests (1087495166.643)
error parsing squid line:

squidGuard stopped (1087495166.643)

While compiling squidGuard, I used the option
--with-sg-config and then put in squid.conf a line
without the option -c:
redirect_program /usr/local/bin/squidGuard

any help please

--- Techy List <> wrote: <br> >
Hi squiders :)
> I am setting up squidGuard to run hand in hand with
> squid.
> I have this in my squid.conf
> redirect_program /usr/local/bin/squidGuard -c
> /usr/local/squidGuard/squidGuard.conf
> squid and squidGuard seem to run well:
> # ps aux|grep squid
> root 2905 0.0 0.0 3608 4 ? S
> May06 0:00 /usr/local/squid/
> nobody 2907 0.6 72.8 817176 376272 ? R
> May06 378:58 (squid)
> root 24732 0.0 0.0 1556 44 pts/1 S
> Jun16 0:00 tail -f squidGuar
> nobody 6908 4.0 0.1 1656 676 ? S
> 09:48 0:00 (squidGuard) -c /
> nobody 6909 3.5 0.1 1656 676 ? S
> 09:48 0:00 (squidGuard) -c /
> nobody 6910 3.5 0.1 1656 676 ? S
> 09:48 0:00 (squidGuard) -c /
> nobody 6911 4.0 0.1 1656 676 ? S
> 09:48 0:00 (squidGuard) -c /
> nobody 6912 7.0 0.1 1656 676 ? S
> 09:48 0:00 (squidGuard) -c /
> root 6920 0.0 0.1 1672 604 pts/2 S
> 09:48 0:00 grep squid
> In my squidGuard.conf, I have something like this:
> logdir /usr/local/squidGuard/log
> dbhome /usr/local/squidGuard/db/porn
> dest porno {
> domainlist domains.1
> }
> acl {
> default {
> pass !porno all
> # redirect http://localhost:1080
> redirect
> }
> }
> domains.1 is located in
> /usr/local/squidGuard/db/porn
> I also have changed the ownerships and permissions
> as:
> #pwd
> /usr/local/squidGuard/
> #chown nobody.nobody squidGuard.conf
> #chown -R nobody.nobody db
> #chown -R nobody.nobody log
> chmod 644 squidGuard.conf
> chmod -R 640 db
> chmod -R 644 log
> find <path to blacklists> -type d -exec chmod 755
> \{\}
> \; -print
> chmod 755 log/squidGuard.conf
> I put one line in domains.1:
> But it seems that squidGuard still do not block
> I thuink I'd rather send this question to squidguard
> list, but since it dosn't exist any more, I am
> trying
> to get secure from you, squid users.
> My apology fo this OT
> Anyway, any help would be very appreciated.
> Luke.
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Received on Thu Jun 17 2004 - 01:32:55 MDT

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