RE: [squid-users] Blocking msn file sharing

From: Brent Clark <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 14:53:37 +0200

why on earth would you want to block msn messenging, I can unstand the
blocking of file sharing, but really
or are you just one of those "mean" administrators

<quote>This is my network, mine you hear.</quote>

Kind Regards
Brent Clark

-----Original Message-----
From: Olsson Mattias []
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 1:20 PM
Subject: [squid-users] Blocking msn file sharing

Hi all!

Is it possible to block msn messenger file sharing in Squid? Msn and sending
receiving messages should be allowed, filesharing not.

Regards /Mattias
Received on Thu Jun 24 2004 - 06:52:56 MDT

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