Re: [squid-users] .pac files and windows 2k/xp (and os x)

From: Jeff Smith <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 16:19:02 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Joselito,

Check out;en-us;271361&

This may fix your problem.

Kind Regards

Jeff Smith

--- "Joselito H.Tagarao"
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've noticed that my squid.pac file which is
> accessed by our
> workstations at the office is not honored properly
> by internet explorer
> and windows in general. Other browsers (mozilla,
> firefox etc) seem to
> honor the directives. The pac file is almost
> straight out of the squid
> documentation:
> function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
> if (isInNet(host, "",
> ""))
> return DIRECT;
> return "PROXY; DIRECT";
> }
> Obviously 192.168.0.x is our private internal lan so
> I don't cache
> anything on it. However, in
> /var/log/squid/access.log, internet
> explorer still uses squid despite the directive.
> I've verified in
> internet options -> LAN settings -> auto config
> script set to hit the
> file (i've even checked
> that it DOES hit
> it in the apache logs, which it does). Also, I've
> made sure that the
> manual proxy settings are off. I test it out and
> when I pull of
> various web pages on, it still goes
> through squid (and I've
> made sure it reloads the pac file). Firefox and
> mozilla do NOT go
> through squid when they are set to use the pac file.
> And finally,
> manually configuring internet explorer to not use
> squid for the
> box does cause the proper result.
> It seems something is wrong with my .pac file, but I
> can't quite figure
> out what it is. As a strange aside, I changed the
> pac file to read
> as the mask, but suddenly,
> Safari on the OS X
> clients slowed down (they are all also configured to
> use the pac file).
> As I can no longer use IPP printing (everyone is now
> forced to use
> samba printer shares instead of using
>, it's
> causing a bit of a
> headache. The obvious solution is to not use squid,
> but the obvious
> isn't always the best.

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