RE: [squid-users] Random dropping of requests

From: Scott Phalen <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 18:35:46 -0500

<I have just taken charge of a squid machine that has been showing some
<strange behaviour for the last few weeks. For one thing, cpu usage on
<average is above 80% which seems abnormally high, even taking into
<account the high traffic (about 2000 hits per minute).
<Secondly, all traffic randomly stops for anywhere between a few seconds
<and 20 minutes. Restarting squid during this time brings it back up, but
<this isn't feasable when we have to do it a few times a day. Even if I
<don't restart manually, it becomes available again by itself, but the
<downtime is too costly.
<Nothing unusual shows up in cache_log, access_log or any of the system
<logs. Our network monitor also confirms that this isn't a network issue
<and that requests are going to the proxy during the outages.


Last week I had this same issue with close to the same traffic as you. I
tried installing a new OS, newer/older version of squid and still had the
same issue. I took the squid.conf during the high CPU load and commented
out every ACL and basically allowed all to pass thru. I then turned on each
ACL one at a time and found one of my ACLs was causing the CPU load. Not
exactly sure why it caused the issue but all has been well for a week now.

Received on Mon Aug 02 2004 - 17:35:46 MDT

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