Re: [squid-users] controlling https tunnels

From: Laurian Gridinoc <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2004 06:25:32 +0000

On Wed, 4 Aug 2004 07:46:13 +0200, Elsen Marc <> wrote:
> > How can I control the use of HTTP CONNECT such that it will be allowed
> > just for SSL traffic?
> The default squid.conf and any setups derived for it uses
> the 'SSL_Ports' acl to only allow CONNECT requests to port 443 through SQUID.

But this does not say that on the remote 443 port its a HTTP server...

> > Is it possible to call an external script on HTTP CONNECT? I intend to
> > verify if the remote destination is indeed a HTTP/SSL server and it
> > has a valid certificate.
> Most humble, but in effect the browsers does the same when being 'CONNECTED'
> through a SSL site and should normally issue a warning if a certificate
> is not valid (e.g.)

But the user may just click accept on a security warning, also I want
to eliminate applications that try to use HTTP CONNECT in order to
tunnel other protocols than HTTP, such as instant messengers or p2p

Laurian Gridinoc
Chief Developer
Received on Wed Aug 04 2004 - 00:25:33 MDT

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