RE: [squid-users] Squid conf review

From: Elsen Marc <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2004 10:11:10 +0200

> Hi all
> I am very much new to squid and I have just installed squid to be a
> transparent proxy on my dialup (soon to be ADSL) connected box (which
> currently works beautifully).
> Another problem I have, is that I cant browse the caches it makes. For
> example (I know this is comparing apples with pears, but its
> the only thing
> I can think of) with wwwoffle, it has the facility to offline
> browsing. Is
> there anyway to allow squid to do the day. I know its only a dialup
> connection, but I really want to know \ learn squid.
> I have pasted my conf file below, hoping that someone would
> be so kind as
> too review it and if possible share where I can improve etc.
> Any advice, critism, pointers etc would be most appreciated.

Does this config file 'survive' :

    % squid -k parse

Meaning I don't think these entries are valid :
>offline_mode 0
>offline_mode 2
>offline_mode 1

Don't know how you came to specify these numbers; according to squid.conf.detault
the only parameters available are 'on' or 'off'.
Baring your question , you probably just need :

           offline_mode on


Received on Fri Aug 06 2004 - 02:12:07 MDT

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