Re: [squid-users] Squid & RAM

From: A. Sajjad Zaidi <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 19:41:39 +0600

On Wed, Aug 11, 2004 at 06:06:10PM +0500, Muhammad Subtain wrote:
> Here is the output of free command.
> [root@SQUID etc]# free
> ?????????? ??????????? ??????????total?????? used?????? free???? shared??? buffers???? cached
> Mem:?????? ???????? ??????????? 514444???? 507920?????? 6524????????? 0????? 29044???? 353164
> -/+ buffers/cache??????????? 125712???? 388732
> Swap:????? ???????????????????? 1124508????????? 0??? 1124508

The "used" column in the above info is not the actual memory being used.
That includes memory used by buffers and cached objects. The second row
shows that you are actually only using 125712 kbytes which seems small,
even if you aren't running many services. If all your RAM was used up,
there would be at least some swap memory in use and the output shows 0
for that.

> In such condition users get jerky and very slow response.
> I have even tried to set cache_mem 0 MB but it doesn't work.

It looks like you are giving too little memory to Squid. Increase the
settings until it starts using more without resorting to swap.

This should make things smoother, but there are a lot of other factors to
consider. Are there any other services running on the machine? What does
your cache directory layout look like? How is the throughput of your
drives? etc.

A. Sajjad Zaidi
GnuPG Key ID: 0xD7AD0E13
"Don't worry.. Stuart is taking an insanity break right now. Cthulhu appeared in his dreams again last night."
Received on Wed Aug 11 2004 - 07:39:21 MDT

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