Re: [squid-users] Proxy.pac syntax

From: Hendrik Voigtl�nder <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2004 11:10:43 +0200

Thomas-Martin Seck wrote:
> * Henrik Nordstrom (
>>On Sat, 14 Aug 2004, Thomas-Martin Seck wrote:
>>>If you want IE to use passive mode, you need to configure it within the
>>>registry. Basically, all you need to do is emulating the manual setting
>>>of "(Do not) enable folder view for FTP sites" and "Use passive FTP (for
>>>firewall ...)", see
>>><;en-us;323446> for a
>>>general description.
>>Or you could set IE to use a Squid proxy.. Squid uses passive FTP by
>>default if supported by the requested ftp server.
> You're correct. The original poster can simply force all FTP traffic
> through a proxy using autoproxy.pac. Maybe this is what he meant. The
> autoproxy.pac documentation from Netscape should get him started.

Yes, but forcing all ftp traffic through a squid still requires
disabling the folder view as mentioned above. Otherwise IE is not able
to handle the squid ftp->http-listings.

Regards, Hendrik Voigtl�nder
Received on Sun Aug 15 2004 - 03:11:10 MDT

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