[squid-users] High CPU Utilization

From: <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 13:57:35 -0400

This has happened before and I guess I have never gotten to the bottom of
it. All of the sudden, squid took and held onto 98% of the CPU.
The machine has plenty of CPU and RAM, not to mention disk space. There
were no warnings in the cache.log.

cache_effective_user is set to nobody.
coredump_dir is set to /services/squid/core (which exists and
cache_effective_user has write access to)

Yet, I can force squid to dump a core file, or I don't know how. Can
anyone tell me how I can do this?

I thought SIGABRT was supposed to do that.


Andr� F�chsel <andre.fuechsel@com>
08/23/2004 01:39 PM
        To: Chris Perreault <Chris.Perreault@com>,
        Subject: RE: [squid-users] accelerating proxy and default
page (index.html )

At 16:42 23.08.2004 +0200, Chris Perreault wrote:
>http://www.mydomain.com/ with a trailing slash...does that work? And
>you connect to index.html you can navigate throughout the rest of the

Trailing slash does not work. Yes, once connected the rest is working

Received on Mon Aug 23 2004 - 11:56:12 MDT

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