[squid-users] Might be useful to someone - realtime log view

From: James Gray <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 10:59:33 +1000

Greetings all,

I wrote a simple "one-liner" that follows the access.log and formats the
output in a useful way (for me anyway). It's designed for FreeBSD and
requires awk/gawk/mawk etc.

Here's the "script" (all on one line, or put it into a file) :)

<<< START >>>

clear ; tail -F /var/log/squid/access.log | \
awk '{ \
     printf("%8.2f Kb\t%-16s %s\t%s - %s\n" \
     ,$5/1024,$8,$7,$10,substr($4,5,(match(4,/\//)-5))) \

<<< END >>>

replace "tail -F" with "tail --follow=name" for Linux.

The output is real-time and looks like this:
(size kb) (user) (url) (data type) (TCP response)
     | | | | |
     V V V V V
   1.96 Kb USR1 http://foo.example.com text/html - DENIED
  10.78 Kb USR2 http://bar.example.com text/html - MISS
   0.56 Kb USR3 http://baz.foo.com/index.htm text/html - MISS
   8.47 Kb USR1 http://foo.example.com text/html - MISS
112.97 Kb USR3 http://baz.foo.com/123.jpeg image/jpeg - HIT

It's useful for me to keep a passing eye on what's going on, but would
scroll way too fast on really busy squid servers. YMMV.


James Gray
I.T. Manager - Asia Region
Open Channel Solutions
Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Received on Tue Aug 24 2004 - 19:04:20 MDT

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