Re: [squid-users] squid chroot jail no running copy error

From: Rick G. Kilgore <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 14:24:52 -0600

        I did try the chroot_directive today. Had trouble finding infomation on
sintax. Any way I tried to use it as I would the normal chroot command.
After startup squid was logging in old test directory not current prod dir.
        Is there some place I can get an example of how to set the chroot up
for squid. I have the squid binary and the config on a duplicate tree
where the chroot jail is.

Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Aug 2004, Rick G. Kilgore wrote:
>>> I'm not what you would call a Fedora pro, but I suspect you will need to
>>> chroot to the enviroment in order to run the squid -k reconfigure...
>>> E.g.
>>> chroot /wka usr/local/squidSTABLE6/sbin/squid -k reconfigure
>> That works, would have never thought that this would be necessary. Now
>> I have to know why. on a mission.
> Because you chroot:ed Squid when you started it, all paths opened by
> Squid is relative to the chroot, not the normal system root.
> If you do not chroot "squid -k ..." in the same manner "squid -k ..."
> runs in a different environment and won't find the correct paths to
> either your configuration file or the pid file as it's view is relative
> to the system root directory, not your chroot.
> Using the chroot_dir directive in squid.conf is generally adviseable
> over manual chrooting of Squid. This makes sure paths is always correct
> and also allows you to keep sensitive information such as the
> configuration file and Squid binary etc outside of the chroot.
> Regards
> Henrik

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Rick G. Kilgore
State of Colorado Department of Revenue IT/CSTARS (DDP/CCR/RWOC)
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Received on Wed Aug 25 2004 - 14:25:05 MDT

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