What exactly you want, you can restrict users on their
login names as used in AD.
The easiest way of running to squid sessions is to
install two squids in two different directories,
change the port in config file and run it. But well
again, you can not do it on permanent basis.
--- Rob Freeman <jagaholic@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can anyone help with the following configuration?
> We have a windows 2000 domain users log into. We
> are putting in suse
> 9.1 with squid in place to proxy internet access. I
> am able to use a
> group policy to change OU's in windows to point to
> the suse box
> without any problems.
> Now the issue. My boss wants 2 sets of users, 1
> with limited internet
> access, the other with full. While I can perform an
> acl for ip
> address in squid to do this, it does not work since
> we have people
> logging into different machines.
> I googled this for a while, and did where you can
> run multiple
> sessions of squid. I tried using this command:
> squid -f /usr/local/bin/production/squid.conf -N -u
> 8081
> It comes back with this:
> 2004/08/26 09:55:06| Squid is already running!
> Process ID 3246
> Has anyone been able to use 2 sessons of squid on 1
> box?
> Rob
Mohsin Khan
CCNA ( Cisco Certified Network Associate 2.0 )
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