[squid-users] Squid WWW Pre Cache / Pre Fetch

From: Warwick Bruce Chapman <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 09:53:53 +0200

Hi All

I would appreciate some help if possible with regard to how one would
achieve the following:

Consider the situation of a school, where a teacher wants to do a lesson
based on the image and PDF heavy content of a website. To run the
lesson realtime over a 64kbps line would be killer slow and not
effective at all.

I understand that squid has some sorted of prefetch/precache ability. I
do not mean the teacher browsing the site the day before and hoping that
the objects will be cache for the lesson the other day. Squid has never
worked like that for me? Maybe I am configuring it wrong?

So I suppose I'm looking for something like and combination between an
http offline downloader and a www proxy.

As another example, say an ISP wanted to ensure that as much content as
possible from olympics.org was pre cached before the event actually
started, how would they achieve this?

Warwick Chapman
Received on Fri Aug 27 2004 - 01:53:57 MDT

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