Re: [squid-users] Re: Ip wccp patch for kernel 2.6

From: unixware <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 04:40:55 -0700 (PDT)

> and (patch ) compile Fedora 2 kernel-2.6.5-1.358
> with the given below
> command and it generates many errors and warning.

these gcc lines wont work on kernel 2.6 here the way
which Henrik have suggested

A quick investigation of Linux-2.6 build model showed
that the
simple procedure works for compiling ip_wccp for your

1. Build and test your kernel. This is required in
order to correcly
additional modules..

2. Create a directory somewhere and place the
ip_wccp.c file in this

3. In the same directory create a file named
"Makefile" with the

   obj-m += ip_wccp.o

4. Compile the module by running the following from
the top of the

   make M=/path/to/above/directory modules

5. Update module dependencies by running

   depmod -a

6. Load the module

   modprobe ip_wccp

The above is tested on Fedora Core 2, but should work
on any Linux-2.6
based system. A big improvement from Linux-2.4.

How to build extra modules without first compiling and
testing your
kernel is possible but is outside the scope of this
document as it is
distribution dependent and not how things are supposed
to be done.

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Received on Fri Aug 27 2004 - 05:40:57 MDT

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