Re: [squid-users] bugfix and patches for 2.5.STABLE6

From: Przemek Czerkas <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2004 11:05:31 +0200

Henrik Nordstrom <> wrote:

> What bug?
> The only thing I see in your patch is that you rearrange the enum order of
> HDR_REQUEST_RANGE, but what is the bug this is supposed to fix?

There is inconsistency beetwen http_hdr_type (in file enums.h) and HeadersAttrs table (HttpHeader.c).

Bug shows up in httpHeaderNameById() (HttpHeader.c), luckily that function is used only in "informative" way by dump_http_header_access() and dump_http_header_replace(). Both are used by dump_config() which in turn is used by cachemgrRegister().

You can spot that when config file includes "header_access Referer Deny all" line. "Current Squid Configuration" in Cache Manager interface prints this as "header_access Request-Range Deny all". The only problem is if someone relayed on that output (eg. restored Squid configuration that way).

Przemek Czerkas
Received on Sat Aug 28 2004 - 03:06:03 MDT

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