Re: [squid-users] Transparent squid, blocking router gateway

From: Billy Macdonald <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 13:38:22 -0700

Abdock wrote:

>Hi experts,
>The question might not be related to squid, but any help would be really appreciated.
>We have set up squid in transparent mode, and given squid box as the gateway to all.
>Things are working fine, but then the problem is that some other people are avoinding to use the new gateway which is the squid box, they point directly to the router.
>Is there a way to block people from not using the router IP add ?
>Wccp is not an option as we have 2 different links.
>Any help to any url ..
You'll need to look up how to restric access on the router in the router
documentation. You should be able to block which IP's it will forward
traffic from.

If you're doing NAT on the squid box then just block all traffic at the
router that isn't coming from the squid box.
If your just forwarding other traffic to the router that's not port 80
then you'll want to block just port 80 traffic on the router. Allow all
but port 80 from all your internal IPs. Only allow port 80 from the
squid box.

Of course you could also get management on your side and reprimand users
that don't follow the rules if this is a business environment.

Received on Sun Aug 29 2004 - 14:42:00 MDT

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