Re: [squid-users] Re: Disk Space over limit

From: Eswari sharma <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 17:36:04 -0700

> > After clearing swap.state it rebuild swap and when I see cache log it
> > /cache1[clean] and /cache2[clean] and "Ready to server request "but when
> > check access.log it doesnt update..and at the same time it doesnt
> > struck up...
Henrik wrote :

> Is traffic even getting to your Squid?
> Make sure there is no firewall rules playing tricks on you, and that your
> clients is properly configured to use the proxy.
> You can also try using the "squidclient" binary from your proxy to test
> the functionality locally.

Thanks for your suggestion and as you say I check with "squidclient", It
works fine but still I doest serve sites from outside.
Finally, I could able to trace the problem as of redirecting 80 to 3128. I
really wonder how this rule of prerouting has been deleted itself ?
Anyway thanks for your sincere help ,
Received on Tue Aug 31 2004 - 05:49:34 MDT

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