Re: [squid-users] bypass proxy query

From: simon benedict <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2004 22:45:38 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks henrik,

it has worked fine i was having the acl in the wrong

btw I have 2 more local servers which the client
browsers are using host name rather than domain name
ex. http://km_online and these hosts having private IP

also they can use http://ip and get the web page up
and running .

Now since I have put the ip in my squid.conf file its
working fine but as all the users are used to typing
http://hostname and that dows not work but the ip in
the browsers works fine.

basically I am using WINS server to do the host to IP

I also tried to make a hosts file in /etc on the linux
machine but it doesnt work.

Now what i want to know is can I make squid to a host
to IP lookup and how ?? .

the dst domain acl is also working fine but as I have
said before I have 3 servers which are not resolved
using a domain but rather a host name

Thanks and regards


--- Henrik Nordstrom <> wrote:

> On Tue, 28 Sep 2004, simon benedict wrote:
> > Now is there a way to access the local sites after
> the
> > time is over and without having the clients check
> the
> > bypass proxy option.
> Just allow access to these sites before where you
> deny access based on
> time..
> http_access is an ordered list of rules read
> top-down. The first rule
> matching the request is used.
> Regards
> Henrik

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Received on Sat Oct 02 2004 - 23:45:40 MDT

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