Re: [squid-users] GET/PUT Question - AGAIN

From: OTR Comm <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2004 12:17:58 -0700


Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Oct 2004, OTR Comm wrote:
> > I have the cache.log and snort dumps for both squid GETs and my
> > PushCache PUTs sessions for the same pages if that would be helpful. The
> > combined dumps are 12 pages so I shouldn't post them at the list here.
> Sorry, I was not aware you are using the PushCache patch.
> Is the PUT response from PushCache persistent? If not the connection will
> be closed by Squid immediately after sending the reply and it won't be
> possible to send another request on the same connection. To negotiate a
> persistent connection you need to include the "Proxy-Connection:
> keep-alive" header.

I do have "Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive" in my header. Do I need to
include the "Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100" header?

Also, do I need to include an acl for PUT in squid.conf? If so, what is
the syntax and how do I apply it?

I tried:

acl put_okay method PUT
put_okay allow our_networks
put_okay deny all

Squid started without okay, but when I stop squid, it reports:

parseConfigFile: line 1469 unrecognized: 'put_okay allow our_networks'
parseConfigFile: line 1471 unrecognized: 'put_okay deny all'

Do I need to add PUT as an extension method?

Murrah Boswell
Received on Thu Oct 07 2004 - 13:15:27 MDT

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