Re: [squid-users] Squid Cannot Support WebDAV

From: Patrick Eng <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 01:38:17 -0700 (PDT)

hi there... I have just reinstalled squid 2.5 stable 6
but i still can load OWA page. No icons and the inbox
still shows "loading...". I cheaked the access.log and
it shows a lot of TCP_MISS/401 225. What is this
means. What is the workaround for this problem. I
hopes that I could get an answer a.s.a.p becoz this
problem have been draging for months. inserting
extension_methods totally does not help at all. Or
should there be other config on the browser. Please
help me...


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Received on Mon Oct 18 2004 - 02:38:19 MDT

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