Re: [squid-users] WCCP + IOS 12.3(6c) problem

From: à´ª ��Ǥ��� <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 10:01:02 +0700


I think that the packets is redirecting to the cache server, but the router think that the
cache server address is (as seen in Web Cache ID: when doing show ip wccp
web-cache detail) I use ip_wccp module with fedora core 2, kernel 2.6.8. when doing lsmod |
grep ip_wccp it shows :
ip_wccp 7040 0

Beside when doing tcpdump, I don't see any packet coming from the router beside the WCCP
I_See_You packet? Should there be any setting with ip_wccp module beside wccp_router in
squid.conf? and should wcpp_router be setting to the public interface of the router? or the
local interface connecting to the cache?


��ҧ�ԧ Henrik Nordstrom <>:

> On Tue, 16 Nov 2004, [tis-620] പ ��Ǥ��� wrote:
> > Hash Allotment: 256 (100.00%)
> > Packets Redirected: 10564
> Looks good. Your router is redirecting packets to the cache server.
> Make sure you have configured the interception correctly on the cache
> server, both the WCCP/GRE decapsulation and the interception & redirection
> of port 80 traffic to your Squid port.
> Regards
> Henrik
Received on Tue Nov 16 2004 - 20:02:02 MST

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