Re: [squid-users] cache_dir slection criteria

From: Hendrik Voigtl�nder <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 23:37:28 +0100

Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
>>>I have noticed a strange behaviour of squid:
>>>I have 4 disks of different size dedicated for cache_dirs in my machine.
>>>With 4 cache_dirs of equal size (small enough to fit all disk sizes) all
>>>directories are used evenly.
>>>After increasing to of the cache_dir located on the bigger disks the
>>>smaller cache_dirs are no longer used to store new objects.
>>>What is the selection criteria when squid chooses the cache_dir?
>>>Is there any explanation to this behaviour?
> On 24.11 18:58, marc elsen wrote:
>> There is a parameter called
>> store_dir_selection_algorithm
>>in squid.conf.default , if I remember its name correctly.
>>Check it out, by reading the comment.
> the comment is not 100% clear. Does squid measure the disk speed (latency)
> or just number of requests?
> in the first case, it would happen that 5X faster disk would get 5X more
> requests, not taking whole capacity...
> I was thinking about configuring slower disk for larger files, while
> letting squid store small files only on the faster disk - that should do
> it. But I should probably check the sources :)

The comment I have seen is that there is round-robin as an alternative
to least-load. Thats it. Quite clear, but not very much to read...
Is there more in the newer releases?
Your approach with using different types of disks is interesting, but I
think I will switch to round-robin...
Received on Wed Nov 24 2004 - 15:37:42 MST

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