Re: [squid-users] Performance tuning Squid box for ISP traffic

From: Ow Mun Heng <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 09 Dec 2004 15:52:35 +0800

On Thu, 2004-12-09 at 14:14, Martin Marji Cermak wrote:
> Milind Nanal wrote:
> > 1) How do I check the HIT rate of my Squid BOX. Any utility. I have tried

> I haven't tested calamaris, but it seems unsuitable for me, because my
> access logs (with log_mime_hdrs on) grow to 3 GB during 5 hours, so I
Wow. That certainly is a lot, but since you have log_mime_headers. That
sort of explains it.

Can I ask why do you need it? isn't it for problem tracking only?

> > 2) Any fine tune parameters for better performance rather than using default
> > values in squid.conf ?
> - diskd instead of ufs
This is FreeBSD specific right?

> - ipcache_size 100000 (so DNS does not slow you down)
This is a nice one. Thanks

> - httpd_accel_with_proxy off (you are intercepting, right?)
Do you see problems running in intercept mode? I've read there are quite
a number of drawbacks with this.

> And one more remark. People in this list keep saing the reiserfs is the
> best. I decided to use ext3, anyway.
I use reiserfs on a 30GB cache.

> According to the performance benchmark in the Duane Wessels book "Squid
> the definitive guide", ufs with reiserfs(notail, noatime) has only 61%
> Throughput of ufs with ext3fs(event without notaime option).
> Does anyone have a comment to this?

I have (just bought <1 1/2 week ago) and I've yet to reach that page.
But yeah, you're right, based on his test methods:

on Linux 2.4 with 32 threads, ext3fs is fastest.

scheme FS Mount Opt throughput
aufs ext3 noatime 168
ufs reiserfs noatime,notail 21.4

> Post your parameters here to the list, when your tunning is done, please.
Yeah.. Please do

Ow Mun Heng
Gentoo/Linux on D600 1.4Ghz 
Neuromancer 15:44:49 up 6:10, 6 users, 0.52, 0.29, 0.21 
Received on Thu Dec 09 2004 - 00:53:33 MST

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