Re: [squid-users] squid and long URLs

From: Daniel Graupner <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 11:25:16 +0100

Henrik Nordstrom schrieb:
> On Mon, 13 Dec 2004, Daniel Graupner wrote:
>>> See Squid FAQ on how to use Squid inside a firewall.
>> I did, but in my testing environment there is no firewall at all.
>> Between cache, peer and hosts is no firewall. Please give me more hints.
> So your Squid which reported "Network unreachable" should be able to
> reach without using any peer?

No, my squid is inside a local network so it can only reach webservers inside this network. To
access the internet (e.g. it has to use a peer which is also inside the network.

> Then this error indicates you have a basic network problem of some kind
> which prevents this Squid server from reaching the Internet proper.
> Quite likely missing routing.

Hmm, I don't think so. I'am able to reach via squid and on the peer I see the query that
squid made. But at the time I have questionmarks in the url squid no longer queries the peer and
tries to go direct, which fails.

>> I read in the handbook that squid only goes direct when the peer is
>> assumed to be down. This should not happen with "default no-query" in
>> the cache peer directive.
> This is ONE case where Squid goes direct, the other is when using peers
> does not make sense in terms of hit ratio, and then there is also some
> other cases.

OK, I have to investigate why squid tries to go direct in my case.

> If your Squid is inside a firewall and not permitted to go direct you
> MUST tell this to Squid as per the instructions in the Squid FAQ.

thats what i'm doing:

acl homedst dst
acl alldst dst
cache_peer parent 8080 3130 default no-query
cache_peer_access deny homedst
cache_peer_access allow alldst

> Squid goes direct on URLs with ? in then as it is instructed these URLs
> is not cacheable in the squid.conf shipped with Squid. See the no_cache
> directive, but note that it is more or less REQUIRED by the HTTP RFC to
> handle such URLs as uncacheable.

yes i have the (standard) no_cache directive in my squid.conf

> Squid does not log the query terms for security reasons, but it is only
> in the log where these are "missing". If you really want the query terms
> logged then see squid.conf.

K, I found the strip_query_terms directive, now its clear. For this one has to read the default
conf, it is not mentioned in the userguide nor faq ;-(

> If your Squid is not permitted to go direct then this must also be told,
> if not it assumes it is permitted to go direct when this would be
> "optimal" (in Squids opinion).

OK, I thought the cache_peer_access directives told squid when to go direct...but they also seem to
be an suggestion. With never_direct etc. it works for me.

I see, one has to be familiar with Inter-Cache-Communication to completely understand squids behaviour.
Thanks for your help, I should now be able to make it work now.

Received on Mon Dec 13 2004 - 03:25:29 MST

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